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Gerald Clarke

Gerald Clarke
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Books by Gerald Clarke


Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland (2000)

LADY GAGA - RICHARD NIXON - FINALLY THE TRUTHThere are a couple of very nasty anecdotes in this judy garland bio which I would have suppressed, because now they're in my brain whenever I hear her extraordinary voice. But of course biography isn't hagiography, and if you go round censoring the lur...

Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland (2000) by Gerald Clarke

Capote (2005)

Capote: Gerald Clarke's Literary BiographyIt took me a hellishly long time to read this book. Of course, I was reading it in conjunction with a read of Capote's works at the same time. So, I would read a novel, or a few short stories, and I would take back up with Clarke's biography.But that's...

Capote (2005) by Gerald Clarke

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