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George Plimpton

George Plimpton
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Books by George Plimpton


Edie: American Girl (1994)

The first biography I'd ever read completely constructed of reported memories of the subject from people who'd been in his or her circle or encountered him or her in some way. Edie Sedgwick was the Sixties' version of poor little rich girl, descended on both sides from men who founded the Colonie...

Edie: American Girl (1994) by George Plimpton

D.V. (2003)

I really adored this book. It's not written. Instead, it's rather obvious that the editors, George Plimpton and Christopher Hemphill, just sat down with Mrs. Vreeland and let her talk, and then pretty much transcribed the conversation as it had happened. And, boy, can she talk! A mile a minute is...

D.V. (2003) by George Plimpton

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