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George Hagen

George Hagen
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Books by George Hagen


Gabriel Finley & the Raven's Riddle (2014)

Ravens love riddles. In fact, ravens greet each other by telling a riddle so they can tell the good ravens from the bad. Evil ravens are known as valravens and serve the evil demon Corax – who is half man, half raven. Eleven-year-old Gabriel Finley also loves riddles. Gabriel’s father, Adam, has ...

Gabriel Finley & the Raven's Riddle (2014) by George Hagen

The Laments (2005)

The novel begins with bizarre circumstances, involving an accidental baby-swap, leading to the Laments' adoption of a fragile baby that they name Will. Julia Lament has to come to terms with the loss of her real son, while keeping Will's identity a secret from everyone except her husband. Or so s...

The Laments (2005) by George Hagen

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