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Gene Wilder

Gene Wilder
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Books by Gene Wilder


Something to Remember You By: A Perilous Romance (2013)

What a funny little novel this is. I am a huge fan of Gene Wilder and this definitely reads like the sort of thing the guy behind the screenplay for one of the greatest comedies in film history (Young Frankenstein) would write, but it has a twisted, broken darkness ribboned through it that at tim...

Something to Remember You By: A Perilous Romance (2013) by Gene Wilder

Kiss Me Like a Stranger: My Search for Love and Art (2006)

I recently listened to Gene Wilder's 2006 memoir Kiss Me Like a Stranger while driving around Los Angeles. This is not a traditional life story memoir, but a series of moments that Wilder has chosen that exemplify the lessons of his life that taught him about two specific subjects: acting and wom...

Kiss Me Like a Stranger: My Search for Love and Art (2006) by Gene Wilder

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