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Gary M. Pomerantz

Gary M. Pomerantz
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Books: 1 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.44

Books by Gary M. Pomerantz


Their Life's Work: The Brotherhood of the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers, Then and Now (2013)

I received this book from a Goodreads Giveaway. This is a must-read for any tried-and-true Stillers fan. I've been going to Steelers games since I was in my mother's stomach, and, like any child born unto Steelers Nation, I grew up hearing about the Steelers of the 70's: the dynasty, the Steel Cu...

Their Life's Work: The Brotherhood of the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers, Then and Now (2013) by Gary M. Pomerantz

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