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Garth Williams

Garth Williams
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Books by Garth Williams


Stuart Little (2005)

Strange little book. The premise is one I enjoy, as I've always been somewhat fascinated by unusually small things, and the notion of experiencing the world from the perspective of a very small being. So I loved all the little contraptions and whatnot created to help Stuart function in a human-si...

Stuart Little (2005) by Garth Williams

The Cricket in Times Square (1999)

2.5 stars rounded up to 3. I'll admit I wasn't the target audience here, but I think a lot of kids would enjoy this story. It's light and whimsical and full of fun for the elementary age crowd. I think I'll let my niece borrow it if she wants to. She's a voracious reader, 9 years old now, and...

The Cricket in Times Square (1999) by Garth Williams

Chester Cricket's New Home (1984)

Ugh, this book. It's hard to believe it was written in the 1980s, when its attitudes seem to be straight from the 1940s.The main characters in this book are Chester Cricket, Simon Turtle, and Walter Water Snake. Others are John Robin, Donald Dragonfly, Bill Squirrel, Sam Grackle, Henry and Emily ...

Chester Cricket's New Home (1984) by Garth Williams

Tucker's Countryside (1989)

A continuation of “The Cricket of Times Square,” “Tucker’s Countryside” by George Selden tells the story of what happens after Chester Cricket has returned to his home in Hedley, Connecticut. Trouble has come to his home in the Old Meadow as plans to build an apartment complex threaten the area, ...

Tucker's Countryside (1989) by Garth Williams

Baby Farm Animals (2006)

This classic book has been embraced by generations of children and young readers alike. Baby Farm Animals is a great book for introducing the names and words associated with animals for young children. The realistic illustrations bring wonderment and imagination for young readers as they turn eac...

Baby Farm Animals (2006) by Garth Williams

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