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Frank W. Abagnale

Frank W. Abagnale
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Books by Frank W. Abagnale


Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake (2003)

This memoir is by a man considered by many police agencies to be one of the cleverest con men they had ever pursued. By the ageof 17, he was successfully impersonating a PanAm pilot, deadheading around the country and using fake identification to cash NSFchecks. He was almost caught in New Orlean...

Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake (2003) by Frank W. Abagnale

The Art of the Steal: How to Protect Yourself and Your Business from Fraud, America's #1 Crime (2002)

Frank Abagnale is best known for being portrayed by Leonardo Dicaprio in Catch Me If You Can, the true story of how he defrauded millions of dollars while impersonating airline pilots, doctors, and lawyers, all before the age of 21. Abagnale is a conman's conman, a true master of manipulation and...

The Art of the Steal: How to Protect Yourself and Your Business from Fraud, America's #1 Crime (2002) by Frank W. Abagnale

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