I've read it in Hungarian, since the English edition is also a translation from Spanish. The novel is interesting and entertaining, especially for those who have read Wells' The Time Machine, since he is one of the major characters in the story. It consists of three seemingly different story line...
After having read Felix J. Palma's The Map of Time, I was anxious to get my hands on the next book in the series, The Map of The Sky. The two books are similar in many ways - they are written in a similar narrative style, and they share some of the same interesting characters - and since I thoro...
What if an author wrote and published a novel dealing with an extraordinary occurrence, and within a year the described event happened? Would the author have special insight into what had happened? Would the novel’s publication and the event be seen as coincidence? Or, would s/he be seen as being...
It was a great story, much more of a sci-fi thriller than the previous book, but enjoyable nonetheless. I'm knocking it a star due to the twists not having as much of a "wow factor", (and one of them was predictable, also unlike the first book). That being said, the author has a way with words - ...
No le he puesto cinco estrellas porque no quería que la gente pensase que lo considero una obra maestra.Pero me ha parecido una novela divertidísima, desde el narrador omnisciente que hace bromas, hasta los escritores como H.G. Wells que se convierten en personajes de la trama, y por supuesto, la...
Titel: Zeitreisen deluxeDer Klappentext und das wundervolle Cover motivierten mich dazu diesen wundervollen Roman zu lesen.Und eins vorweg: dies ist kein Buch, welches man mal eben so zwischendurch liest. Es fordert einem 100% Aufmerksamkeit ab.Das Buch ist in 3 Handlungsstränge unterteilt, die i...
Ho adorato questo libro! Sono davvero contento che sia stato lui l'ultimo libro del 2014!Non capisco come mai molti lo abbiano screditato, definendolo noioso e "illusorio": noioso non lo è per niente, grazie sia alla trama sia alla scrittura, fresca e con un pizzico di ironia da parte del narrato...