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E.V. Cunningham

E.V. Cunningham
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Books by E.V. Cunningham


The Case of the Angry Actress (1984)

This tale of murder among the movie moguls of Beverly Hills is certainly serviceable as a fair-play mystery. That it's well written is no surprise since "E.V. Cunningham" is really "Spartacus" author Howard Fast. And it captures very well the sort of craziness we expect in Hollywood, from a casti...

The Case of the Angry Actress (1984) by E.V. Cunningham

The Case of the Kidnapped Angel (1982)

A Marylin Monroe lookalike married to a handsome movie star (Rock Hudson's name is never mentioned, but the comparison is implicit) is snatched. The Beverly Hills cops are told to help with the ransom drop without making any waves. But the kidnapping may not be what it appears.So far, so 1970s TV...

The Case of the Kidnapped Angel (1982) by E.V. Cunningham

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