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Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway
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Books by Ernest Hemingway


The Old Man and the Sea (1996)

العجوز والبحر يترجم عنوان رواية هيمنغواي الشهيرة هذه عادة ً بالشيخ والبحر، ولكني أفضل هذه الترجمة (العجوز والبحر)، فكلمة الشيخ محملة بالوقار، بالحكمة، فالشيخ لا يفتش عن ذاته، لقد وصل إليها وحازها منذ وقت بعيد، بينما كلمة العجوز تحمل دلالات أخرى، فالعجوز هو الرجل الذي وصل إلى مرحلة العجز البدني،...

The Old Man and the Sea (1996) by Ernest Hemingway

A Farewell to Arms (2015)

(Reprinted from the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography []. I am the original author of this essay, as well as the owner of CCLaP; it is not being reprinted here illegally.)The CCLaP 100: In which I read a hundred so-called "classics" for the first time, then write repor...

A Farewell to Arms (2015) by Ernest Hemingway

The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories (1999)

Ernest HemingwayThe Snows of Kilimanjaro:Six StoriesReclam, Paperback, 2011. 12mo. 176 pp. Edited by Bettina Drawe and Herbert Geisen with notes, Bibliography [pp. 144-145], and Afterword [pp. 146-176].Stories first published, 1925-38.All included in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stor...

The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories (1999) by Ernest Hemingway

The Garden of Eden (2015)

After the publication of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender Is The Night, Hemingway wrote to Fitzgerald, a letter criticizing him on his failure as a writer. Here are a few select excerpts from that letter: "Goddamn it you took liberties with people's pasts and futures that produced not people but dam...

The Garden of Eden (2015) by Ernest Hemingway

Islands in the Stream (2003)

The Most Interesting Man in the World: The Novel(s). I removed Islands in the Stream from my “currently reading” shelf because I wasn’t sure I would ever finish it. The first part, “Bimini,” is the best part of the novel, and could probably have stood alone as a short novel. It tells the story of...

Islands in the Stream (2003) by Ernest Hemingway

The Nick Adams Stories (1972)

Uneven. About half of the 24 stories in this collection are successful. Hemingway's prose (form) only fits certain topics (content). For example, it works marvelously in the early stories about Nick's childhood, each of which centers around some Joycean epiphany or childhood lesson. The form does...

The Nick Adams Stories (1972) by Ernest Hemingway

A Moveable Feast (2012)

”If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” Ernest Hemingway The Lost Generation: Hemingway and the circle of ex-pat friends he later immortalised in The Sun Also Rises. More fr...

A Moveable Feast (2012) by Ernest Hemingway

Across the River and into the Trees (1998)

Remember for me a three star book IS definitely worth reading. I know Hemingway is not for everyone, but I like his writing style. I don't read his books for plot; I read them for the lines, for his ability to express complicated things simply and for his ability to capture the inherent differenc...

Across the River and into the Trees (1998) by Ernest Hemingway

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