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Eric Barclay

Eric Barclay
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Books by Eric Barclay


Hiding Phil (2013)

It's cute but didn't make much sense to me. Why would the kid say "mom and dad will love Phil" and the next second they're all scrambling to hide him? Maybe if they said, "wonder what mom and dad will think about Phil?" it would then be plausible that they tried to hide him?And maybe character ex...

Hiding Phil (2013) by Eric Barclay

I Can See Just Fine (2013)

I think this should be consider for the Schneider award (for literature on the subject of disabilities) for the young children's category. Thanks to the good Lord, I am in my late 20's and have great eyesight (however, these long hours of reading and being on a computer are not helping), so I'm n...

I Can See Just Fine (2013) by Eric Barclay

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