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Enrico Lamet

Enrico Lamet
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.75

Books by Enrico Lamet


Child Al Confino, A: The True Story of a Jewish Boy and His Mother in Mussolini's Italy (2010)

This was kind of the 'young boy' version of The Diary of Anne Frank. It follows a young boy's run from Poland to Vienna to a Jewish internment camp in Italy during the holocaust. Though the events are horrible, the book is an uplifting read. Even with his world crashing around him, he was still ...

Child Al Confino, A: The True Story of a Jewish Boy and His Mother in Mussolini's Italy (2010) by Enrico Lamet

A Child al Confino: A True Story of Escape in War-Time Italy (2000)

This was a very good book, but as compared to other stories about the fate of Jewish citizens during World War II, it is remarkably emotionally calm. It does not glorify any of the challenges faced by the narrator, at the time a child, and his family and friends, but describes the reality of thei...

A Child al Confino: A True Story of Escape in War-Time Italy (2000) by Enrico Lamet

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