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Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert
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Books by Elizabeth Gilbert


The Signature of All Things (2013)

There were periods in this book where I would have rated it 6 out of 5, but then there were some arduous times and un-credible characters who spoilt the experience. The philosophical treatises became pretentious and boring eg. the Darwin treatises. Alma, Henry and Mrs de Groot were superb charact...

The Signature of All Things (2013) by Elizabeth Gilbert

Eat, Pray, Love (2007)

تم بحمد الله :)14-septemper 2014و لم تأتني القدرة حتي يومنا هذا لأسطر عن هذا العمل شيئًا . -------------------------------حصلت عليها كهدية لعيد ميلادي الواحد و العشرين..طالعت الجملة المسطورة علي الغلاف: "إليزابيث جيلبرت، امرأة تبحث عن كل شئ" .و تخيلت وجهها الباسم و هي تخاط...

Eat, Pray, Love (2007) by Elizabeth Gilbert

Stern Men (2001)

It turns out Annie Proulx went too far in "The Shipping News." You don't have to go all the way to Newfoundland to find irresistibly quirky people living off the cold sea. Elizabeth Gilbert found them in Maine.In "Stern Men," her first novel, Gilbert describes the contentious battles between lobs...

Stern Men (2001) by Elizabeth Gilbert

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