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Eleanor Catton

Eleanor Catton
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.54

Books by Eleanor Catton


The Luminaries (2013)

A lovely read with delightful characters and a quickstep for most of the book. If you enjoy Brit-lit-wit, this book has it for you. However, the ending, I'd say the last 1/5 of the book lost pacing and fell terribly flat after the big reveal. The book would have faired better changing Round the s...

The Luminaries (2013) by Eleanor Catton

The Rehearsal (2010)

Having been drawn to 'The Rehearsal' by my admiration of the truly epic tension of 'The Luminaries,' I expected a similar sort of atmosphere to characterise Eleanor Catton's debut. There are similarities in themes pursued, such as the aftermath of events, and individual perspectives of the same e...

The Rehearsal (2010) by Eleanor Catton

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