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Edward G. Seidensticker

Edward G. Seidensticker
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Books by Edward G. Seidensticker


Thousand Cranes (1996)

With emerald shades,Dance eternal cranes.In the pristine rains,A warm koicha shared.Upon poignant chests.Tranquil prayers kneltJust as Bolaño teases my psyche, Kawabata plays with my rhythmic senses. In his words I find songs of a wintry heart waiting for a prosperous spring. I cannot refrain ...

Thousand Cranes (1996) by Edward G. Seidensticker

Snow Country (1996)

Pernahkah kau mencuri pandang lewat pantulan kaca, entah itu di pintu kaca, jendela kaca, kaca pada jendela mobil, kaca spion, kaca lemari, atau apapun yang bisa memantulkan bayangan? Apa yang kau lihat dan rasakan?Peristiwa ini adalah kisah awal novel ini. Dalam perjalanan ke suatu tempat yang i...

Snow Country (1996) by Edward G. Seidensticker

The Sound of the Mountain (1996)

„Шинго усети, че топлината се изкачва към очите му.Градът вън изведнъж стана по-светъл и по-чист.“Гласът на Кавабата е същият като в „Къщата на спящите красавици“, някои теми се повтарят (старостта, красотата, природата), други са различни (семейството – отговорност и проблеми, самоубийството).„Г...

The Sound of the Mountain (1996) by Edward G. Seidensticker

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