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Eden Robinson

Eden Robinson
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Books by Eden Robinson


Blood Sports (2007)

This combined review of Traplines and Blood Sports was first posted on BookLikes.If there is such a category as BC Noir, then Eden Robinson's books Traplines (4*) and Blood Sports (3*) epitomize this category for me.I'm combining the review of both books here because Blood Sports is the continua...

Blood Sports (2007) by Eden Robinson

Traplines (1999)

This combined review of Traplines and Blood Sports was first posted on BookLikes.If there is such a category as BC Noir, then Eden Robinson's books Traplines (4*) and Blood Sports (3*) epitomize this category for me.I'm combining the review of both books here because Blood Sports is the continua...

Traplines (1999) by Eden Robinson

Monkey Beach (2002)

Originally posted at"I want to stay here on Monkey Beach. Some places are full of power, you can feel it, like a warmth, a tingle. No sasquatches are wandering around the beach today, chased by ambitious, camera-happy boys. Just an otter lounging in the ke...

Monkey Beach (2002) by Eden Robinson

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