This was more than a hot m/m read. This story had substance, realistic characters and a believable plot. It was one of the best I've read lately with only a couple of minor things for me to bitch about. Since I was born and raised in Texas, and still live here, I can understand some of the concer...
It's a lovely story: sweet, earnest, nicely paced and steadily developed.Personally: it's somewhat too staid, too placid, too stiff-upper-lippy for me (sex scenes included). I adore British writing so that's not entirely's just that this one felt like having a pleasant evening taking one'...
First, the up front: This is very short story, about 20 pages, and there are no sex scenes. There you go. Now you can prepare your mind to enjoy the story without wondering, "Hey! Where's the sex?!" I thought this was a sweet story, and would love to see it as more of a full length novel. in fact...