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Douglas Florian

Douglas Florian
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Books by Douglas Florian


Dinothesaurus: Prehistoric Poems and Paintings (2009)

Brachiosaurs, Stegosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Seisosaurus on and on and on. This non-fiction picture book from Douglas Florian is a great way to introduce dinosaurs to a child who loves dinosaurs. We learn what kind of dinosaurs were around, their sizes, their features and so on and so...

Dinothesaurus: Prehistoric Poems and Paintings (2009) by Douglas Florian

UnBEElievables: Honeybee Poems and Paintings (2012)

This book is a collection of poems about bees and the various roles that bees have. It examines different types of bees and has factual information about each type of bee to go along with the poems. This book does a good job examining poetic features while keeping the text basic for young childr...

UnBEElievables: Honeybee Poems and Paintings (2012) by Douglas Florian

Shiver Me Timbers!: Pirate Poems & Paintings (2012)

This collection of 19 short poems employs stereotypical pirate-speak to describe all aspects of a pirate’s life, and manages to be instructive (“The Pirates’ Code of Conduct” states, “It’s best to yell/And blest to smell”) and informative (“Pirate Patter” defines some of the most-often-used pirat...

Shiver Me Timbers!: Pirate Poems & Paintings (2012) by Douglas Florian

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