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Donna Tartt

Donna Tartt
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Books by Donna Tartt


The Little Friend (2003)

I pride myself on my ability to change, to adapt, and to admit when I'm wrong. Though I am not changing the star rating (the book still bored me to tears) I will fully admit that I somehow missed who the titular little friend actually was. I'm not covering up my mistake by editing the review. I a...

The Little Friend (2003) by Donna Tartt

The Secret History (2004)

As tempting as it is I don't believe that reading a book changes a life. I do believe that great books lead to an accumulation of small alterations which further develops a, thinking-self. This is a self, in Svenn Birketts article in a past issue of the American Scholar, that exists parallel but ...

The Secret History (2004) by Donna Tartt

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