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Donna Hosie

Donna Hosie
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.88

Books by Donna Hosie


Searching for Arthur (2000)

Why I read it: - Magic- Arturian Legend- Next book had Merlin in the title- the synopsis sounded promising- no one rated it less than 4/5 here. (that's a feat for any book here)What wasn't there:- Love triangle (and I'm so grateful for that)Rating: 4.3/5. [because i wasn't floating in heavens for...

Searching for Arthur (2000) by Donna Hosie

The Devil's Intern (2014)

A very different book about Hell and "Up There". Mitchell and his friends find a way to go back in time and change their deaths. (Oh wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey). But things aren't always what they seem or as easy as you want.Definitely something to recommend if concepts of Heaven and Hell aren't t...

The Devil's Intern (2014) by Donna Hosie

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