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Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D'Souza
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Books by Dinesh D'Souza


The Roots of Obama's Rage (2010)

Chose this one for my typical end-of-year foray into punditry. It's not super dense, but I don't think that an upmarket fiction crowd would be able to stand it.All I am is confused. I read half of it, almost feel sorry for Obama (his father was a fecund wife-beating child-abandoning drunkard an...

The Roots of Obama's Rage (2010) by Dinesh D'Souza

Obama's America: What Four More Years Will Bring (2012)

This is THE book to read to understand Obama and his policies. If you have ever wondered why, if Obama is a Liberal, he does so many things that no other Liberal would ever do, or why so many Liberals and Conservatives alike talk past each other about him and find him an enigma...then this book e...

Obama's America: What Four More Years Will Bring (2012) by Dinesh D'Souza

Letters to a Young Conservative (2005)

I greatly value Mr. D'Souza's logical arguments against liberalism (and agree with most of those arguments), but he often lets his religious beliefs taint his thinking (gay marriage). Here were some memorable pieces that I thought either humorous or thought provoking:"There is some overlap in th...

Letters to a Young Conservative (2005) by Dinesh D'Souza

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