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Dexter Filkins

Dexter Filkins
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.2

Books by Dexter Filkins


The Forever War (2009)

(4.8/5.0) By now, Dexter Filkins really should be dead. Wherever he works, he always ends up finding a truck radiator in his yard-- remnants from suicide bombings. Sniper scopes are always grazing his head. Mullahs and militia leaders keep contemplating how much they could fetch from his kidnappi...

The Forever War (2009) by Dexter Filkins

Forever War, the (Lib)(CD) (2008)

I read this a few years ago but I reread some parts with America once again going to war in the Middle East. This was a very informative read from a journalist on the scene in both Afghanistan and Iraq. It is amazing how political leaders seem to make monumental decisions to go to war without loo...

Forever War, the (Lib)(CD) (2008) by Dexter Filkins

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