Denis Avey, een dappere jonge Britse soldaat, vecht in de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Noord-Afrika. Daar wordt hij in 1944 krijgsgevangen genomen. In het werkkamp in Duitsland waar hij terechtkomt, werkt hij zij aan zij met gevangenen uit het nabijgelegen Auschwitz. Denis is geschokt door de verhalen ...
The extraordinary true story of a British soldier who fought during WWII and spent two nights in Buna-Monowitz (Auschwitz III) is detailed in this book.This was one of the most compelling books I have ever read – detailing mans inhumanity to man in graphic detail. I did not like the narrator / au...
Quando estava a ler o livro, procurei no google mais informações sobre o autor. Encontrei alguns artigos que questionavam a veracidade da história no que diz respeito à entrada dele em Auschwitz, mas ninguém sabe se é mesmo verdade ou não. A verdade é que há factos e testemunhos que comprovam ou ...
I was fascinated by The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz. Denis Avey's life has been pretty unbelievable, and I appreciate that his book seems to capture so much of his "every man" persona. Auschwitz was just one part of an interesting chronicle, and I think for me that most of the book's weight cam...