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Delia Sherman

Delia Sherman
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Books by Delia Sherman


The Porcelain Dove (1994)

You never know with obscure fantasy novels, especially those written by women, whose works are still too often unjustly ignored. There are some hidden gems out there. (Here, have some recs: Firethorn. The Secrets of Jin-shei. Fudoki.) And then there are the books that are forgotten for good reaso...

The Porcelain Dove (1994) by Delia Sherman

The Fall of the Kings (2003)

♦ What I Liked: Once again I enjoyed the uniqueness of this tale. Unlike book one, magic plays a big role in this adventure, though mainly as a subject of debate with tantalizing hints as to its validity.The story centers around Theron Campion and his University mentor/lover. Theron has many of t...

The Fall of the Kings (2003) by Delia Sherman

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