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Deirdre Madden

Deirdre Madden
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Books by Deirdre Madden


Remembering Light and Stone (1994)

That Deirdre Madden has been compared to Jean Rhys gives you some indication of what to expect from this novel: soul-searching and angst. As Rhys so often did, Madden focusses here on a young woman, in this case Aisling, who, having left her native Ireland some years before, finds herself working...

Remembering Light and Stone (1994) by Deirdre Madden

Authenticity (2003)

All too often, when novelists write about the artistic process, they treat it as if it is a Serious, Weighty Matter. (I’m thinking of novels like The Blazing World, for one.) As a result, we, as readers, never get the sense of well-rounded characters.For the most part, Deirdre Madden gets it rig...

Authenticity (2003) by Deirdre Madden

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