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Dee DeTarsio

Dee DeTarsio
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.23

Books by Dee DeTarsio


The Kitchen Shrink (2011)

This review first appear on Miss Fifi Flowers's Blog Reading is Fashionable.If your get up and go, has got up and gone, what could be better than a home makeover? I mean really, that could be just the pick-me-up for you or me or really anyone. Who wouldn't like to get their living space freshen...

The Kitchen Shrink (2011) by Dee DeTarsio

The Scent of Jade (2000)

The Scent of Jade is a fun and fast paced tale of misadventure in the Costa Rica jungle. Julia Fraser uncharacteristically decides to surprise her husband on his latest business trip in Costa Rica but their holiday idyll is short lived when Julia finds him inflagrante delicto amongst ancient ruin...

The Scent of Jade (2000) by Dee DeTarsio

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