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Deborah Chester

Deborah Chester
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Books by Deborah Chester


The Crystal Eye (1999)

The third and final book in "Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicles," following ‘The Golden One' and ‘The Crimson Claw.'As it opens, we find Our Hero, Ampris, former pet of the Imperial Ruler, gladiator, slave, and victim of a cruel scientist, living free in the wilderness, with a group of other escaped ab...

The Crystal Eye (1999) by Deborah Chester

The Golden One (1998)

I originally purchased this as an audio book to share with my husband, who doesn't like to read. The audio production was excellent, with a full cast. So why do I have the paperback? Simple, the publisher issued volumes 1 and 2 in audio, but never released volume 3! I have a few colorful words to...

The Golden One (1998) by Deborah Chester

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