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David Fulmer

David Fulmer
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Books by David Fulmer


Chasing the Devil's Tail (2003)

Chasing the Devil's Tail is an historical mystery set in the Storyville era of New Orleans, when prostitution was legal in a specific section of the city and seedy stuff was happening in it. The story revolves around Valentin St. Cyr, a creole detective who can pass as white, thus giving him acce...

Chasing the Devil's Tail (2003) by David Fulmer

Rampart Street (2007)

RAMPART STREET (Private Investigator-New Orleans-1900s) – VGFulmer, David – 3rd in seriesHarcourt, 2006- HardcoverAfter 15 months away, Creole Detective Valerian St. Cyr in back in New Orleans’s red-light district of Storyville. He has lost weight, no longer exhibits his usual style, nor interest...

Rampart Street (2007) by David Fulmer

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