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David Finkel

David Finkel
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.21

Books by David Finkel


Good Soldiers, The (2010)

I usually don't read non-fiction, but this was a timely book club selection. You know, Americans have really short memories. It seems like Iraq & the surge faded once President Obama took office. Now, with Iraq exploding again, I think every American should read this book to know how complicated ...

Good Soldiers, The (2010) by David Finkel

Thank You for Your Service (2013)

I read the predecessor to this book, 'The Good Soldiers' after receiving a free copy at a writer's conference I heard David Finkel speak at last year. I approached it with low expectations due to the 'freeness' factor and had to repent in full after realizing it was one of the best nonfiction boo...

Thank You for Your Service (2013) by David Finkel

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