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Daniel J. Boorstin

Daniel J. Boorstin
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Books by Daniel J. Boorstin


The Seekers: The Story of Man's Continuing Quest to Understand His World (2001)

The first two books in Daniel Boorstin's Knowledge Trilogy, The Discoverers (about science) and The Creators (about art), are both outstanding examples of comprehensive history done well. They're weighty books, but the fascinating information and engaging writing do much to offset their intimidat...

The Seekers: The Story of Man's Continuing Quest to Understand His World (2001) by Daniel J. Boorstin

The Creators: A History of Heroes of the Imagination (1993)

"The Creators" is a masterpiece. The book is a collection of 70 different biographical essays, each of which focuses on a particular author, artist, composer, architect or sculptor. Some of the earlier chapters focus on some aspect of man's desire or ability to create, rather than on one individu...

The Creators: A History of Heroes of the Imagination (1993) by Daniel J. Boorstin

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