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Dan Cederholm

Dan Cederholm
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.18

Books by Dan Cederholm


CSS3 For Web Designers (2010)

CSS3 is the latest and greatest style sheet specification that, like HTML5, is under development. Its intent is to give web designers more flexibility in their designs. "CSS3 for Web Designers" introduces the basic features of CSS3 and shows us how we can start using it right now, even while grac...

CSS3 For Web Designers (2010) by Dan Cederholm

Css3 Pour Les Web Designers (2000)

Another great book from A Book Apart. It's a short intro to what CSS3 we can safely use today--both the pros and cons. I've read all of Cederholm's other books and liked those just as much. He's great at showing simple demos that demonstrate the techniques he writes about. Also of note, I read th...

Css3 Pour Les Web Designers (2000) by Dan Cederholm

Sass for Web Designers (2013)

A straight forward introduction to Sass. And fairly short, about 120 pages, so I got through it in one afternoon. The book avoids getting bogged down in frameworks, but promotes using Sass as an extension of your existing CSS knowledge. This to me seems like a very sensible approach. I've read pl...

Sass for Web Designers (2013) by Dan Cederholm

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