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Cynthia Von Buhler

Cynthia von Buhler
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Books by Cynthia von Buhler


Evelyn Evelyn (2011)

Ever read A Series of Unfortunate Events & thought "It would be really cool if instead of focusing on a trio of orphans & mysterious events, it'd be cool if Snicket wrote about conjoined twins?" If you've ever thought that, then you're in luck. Dresden Dolls genius Amanda Palmer has you covered i...

Evelyn Evelyn (2011) by Cynthia von Buhler

But Who Will Bell the Cats? (2009)

Aesop has been abridged, adapted and updated but now he has been answered!Reading von Buhler's book is nearly a theatrical experience. Sets are composed of walls, floors, and the appropriate miniature furnishings which are then photographed. The princess and her cats live in warm opulence upstair...

But Who Will Bell the Cats? (2009) by Cynthia von Buhler

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