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Curt Gentry

Curt Gentry
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Books by Curt Gentry


J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets (2001)

A detailed and scathing history of J. Edgar Hoover and his bureau. Seldom in American history has an unelected official so dominated and influenced the trajectory of the United States.As suggested above, the F.B.I. and Hoover we’re one and the same thing. And when Hoover wanted his organization t...

J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets (2001) by Curt Gentry

Operation Overflight: The U-2 Spy Pilot Tells His Story for the First Time (1970)

On May 1, 1960, Francis Gary Powers took off from an air force base in Pakistan on an overflight of the Soviet Union in a U-2 spy plane. Detected by Soviet radar over Sverdlovsk, Powers' aircraft was targeted by many missiles and interceptor aircraft. Ultimately, Powers' plane was struck by a nea...

Operation Overflight: The U-2 Spy Pilot Tells His Story for the First Time (1970) by Curt Gentry

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