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Colette Moody

Colette Moody
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Books by Colette Moody


Parties in Congress (2011)

Bijal Rao, a lesbian indian-american republican gets her first staff position working for Janet Denton, a republican mayor that is trying to unseat an openly lesbian democrat congresswoman, in a red state. As told by Bijal to her best friend in the beginning of the book, Janet, like Bijal is fis...

Parties in Congress (2011) by Colette Moody

The Seduction of Moxie (2009)

I don't read F/F often, so I'm thrilled to find a gem like this when I get around to the genre. While I did struggle with the period slang, it wasn't used much. This was both good and bad, as in good that I didn't have to deal with it often and bad that when it did pop up it felt thrown in and wa...

The Seduction of Moxie (2009) by Colette Moody

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