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Cokie Roberts

Cokie Roberts
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Books by Cokie Roberts


Founding Mothers: Remembering the Ladies (2014)

Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts is an excellent and informative picture book that tells the tale of the ladies that helped build this nation. So often history books glide over these women, or ignore them completely and I believe this is an excellent supplemental source to give children the fac...

Founding Mothers: Remembering the Ladies (2014) by Cokie Roberts

From This Day Forward (2001)

Page xviThe words in the marriage ceremony “from this day forward” are scary. At the moment a couple exchange those vows, they can never know what they really mean, what hills and valleys stretch out in from of them in the years ahead. But if you take the words seriously, there is no going back...

From This Day Forward (2001) by Cokie Roberts

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