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Claire Messud

Claire Messud
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Books by Claire Messud


The Emperor's Children (2006)

1.) There's the grand old man of letters, Murray Thwaite, and the erotic charge in his relationship with his beautiful, adoring daughter Marina, who begins a relationship with and eventually marries Ludovic, an editor and a rising young Turk among the 'chattering classes,' a man Murray despises a...

The Emperor's Children (2006) by Claire Messud

The Last Life (2000)

A coming of age story, a French-American girl named Sagese is trying to figure out all that entails being a half American-French girl growing up with French-Algerian heritage in metropolitan France. Dealing with an atypical mother/father and in-house living situation with the father's parents (S...

The Last Life (2000) by Claire Messud

When the World Was Steady (1995)

A impressive novel, and a highly impressive first novel, all the more for being written by a twenty-something-year-old. I debate if a further star is called for, oh crazy system that is Goodreads.Messud has a penetrating insight and the courage to tell a story with two not-terribly-sympathetic pr...

When the World Was Steady (1995) by Claire Messud

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