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Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve
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Books by Christopher Reeve


Still Me (1999)

4.5 starsBeing a huge Superman fan, of course I already knew who Christopher Reeve was. He soared into the sky in the original Superman and its sequels when I was born and growing up, but sadly I didn’t pay the man in the blue cape much attention until I became a superhero fan later in life. Even...

Still Me (1999) by Christopher Reeve

Nothing Is Impossible (2004)

I once saw Reeve chatting to Larry King Live and was almost in tears. Not in pity, but personal distress that someone like myself (who has a healthy body) had decided to skip aerobics because I "didn't feel like it". How pathetic can we get? We're lucky because we have healthy muscles - not due t...

Nothing Is Impossible (2004) by Christopher Reeve

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