The three things that take this from a mediocre blog binge (it's literally nothing but previous blog posts) in print to kinda sucky:1) An entry devoted to how oh-so-real the "friend zone" (never named) is, and how it's the oh-so-noble goal of every male friend of a woman (the target of mockery is...
It was funny, I enjoyed it. I kept pausing throughout the entire book though, as I had other things I had to read first, and this book was considerably shorter than my college textbooks. It was sarcastic, funny, and pretty much true. I like that at the end of the book you were able to tally up yo...
Really the book/blog should be called "People Who Try Too Hard". Still, there's a lot of great humour in here, especially when he hits on some stereotypes that are almost undeniable. It's never done in a truly cruel way. Though it's technically racial humour it's aimed at the group the suffers th...
This book is funny and similar to the website, but there is not enough new information to justify more than picking it up from the library for a skim. It talks about all of the White People Places and intersperses them with reruns from the website. It does not hide that it is doing this and mos...