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Chris Ware

Chris Ware
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4.12 of 5 Votes: 2
Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.16

Books by Chris Ware


Building Stories (2012)

Ground-breaking for how it "challenges the authority of format" wrt books/graphic novels. And it was interesting to read such different components that were related but distinct. Some parts of the story were more interesting than others - the bee parts annoyed me for the blatant biology errors; b...

Building Stories (2012) by Chris Ware

Acme Novelty Library #19 (2010)

Sometimes I feel I take Chris Ware for granted. Though I can't see myself ever giving a book of his less than 4 stars here, just on the merits of craftsmanship and storytelling evident in everything he does, it's not often I'm completely awed by the totality of a single one of his books. This tim...

Acme Novelty Library #19 (2010) by Chris Ware

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