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Chet Williamson

Chet Williamson
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Books by Chet Williamson


Murder in Cormyr (2000)

“How could you tell he was dead?” Lindavar asked.“Well, sor, with his head over here and the rest of him over there, it didn’t look promisin’ for him.”Lately, I’ve been jonesing for some old school Dungeons & Dragons material and, to help scratch that itch, I picked up Chet Williamson’s Murder in...

Murder in Cormyr (2000) by Chet Williamson

Lowland Rider (1988)

This is the 3rd of the Chet Williamson books I picked up - and I will admit that I cannot find the edition I have - as all three are from Robinsons - sadly I think the not only do they not publish them anymore but I am not so sure if the publisher is still about either.Anyway this book cover is n...

Lowland Rider (1988) by Chet Williamson

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