In Lo! Charles Fort writes about the kind of things—teleportation, spontaneous combustion, the “hive mind”—that have more recently been employed as themes in the Fox television series Fringe. To say Fort writes about “freak occurrences” seems like a misnomer; here he has collected so many repo...
I'm actually surprised I managed to finish this book. It had a lot of potential, I thought - supposedly Fort's ideas inspired a great many writers whose work I enjoy, including H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Heinlein, and Stephen King. As soon as I started reading, though, I could tell it would be a slog...
Having been a fan of Book of the Damned for many years, I finally picked up Wild Talents and was amazed at the difference in clarity between his first and last books. Wild Talents is much more concise, with his selection of examples of gathered events limited to an illustrative few, rather than a...