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Charles Fernyhough

Charles Fernyhough
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Books by Charles Fernyhough


A Thousand Days of Wonder: A Scientist's Chronicle of His Daughter's Developing Mind (2009)

Had to return to the library, but enjoyed the first few chapters that I read. This book stands out from the others of this ilk because the author assumes that the reader has a brain, so many of these books spoon-feed science. The most useful insight I learned was that young children don't have ...

A Thousand Days of Wonder: A Scientist's Chronicle of His Daughter's Developing Mind (2009) by Charles Fernyhough

Pieces of Light: The New Science of Memory (2012)

A beautifully written, contemplative book that crosses several genres, this is a blend of interesting scientific research on the topic of memory combined with moving passages about the author's father who was fond of nature walks ("We are comfortable with silence. Without the pressure of language...

Pieces of Light: The New Science of Memory (2012) by Charles Fernyhough

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