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Cathy Cassidy

Cathy Cassidy
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Books: 15 | Review: 1 | Avg rating: 4.07

Books by Cathy Cassidy


Cherry Crush (2010)

Mon avis: Cela faisait longtemps que je voulais découvrir cette série qui fait fureur sur les blogs des copines , voici venu le temps des vacances et je me suis dit que s'était le bon moment, une lecture rafraîchissante pour la plage et je peux vous dire que je ne suis pas déçue j'ai adoré ma lec...

Cherry Crush (2010) by Cathy Cassidy

Angel Cake (2009)

Angel cake: a look into the mind of a young polish girl living in England with a crush on the school's bad boy. This book wasn't as good as the others in Cathy Cassidy's series but still a really good one. It shows her struggle of the obvious language barrier she posses, the emotions of a young g...

Angel Cake (2009) by Cathy Cassidy

Coeur cerise (2011)

Jujur gw beli buku ini karena covernya... Dan ga nyangka akan sangat menyukai ceritanya.. gw akan kasih bintang 4 andai saja endingnya ga begituuuu... Cathy teganya dirimu teganya teganya teganya hiks...Cerita dimulai dengan kesulitan Cherry yang tidak bisa menyesuaikan dirinya di sekolah, yang d...

Coeur cerise (2011) by Cathy Cassidy

Chocolate Box Girls - Cherry Crush (2011)

Que de fraîcheur, que de bonheur,que d'amour dans ce tout petit bouquin ! Après avoir traversé toute la blogosphère, voilà qu'il atterrit enfin chez moi ! Pourquoi donc, je ne sais pas... en tout cas, je ne regrette pas de mettre lancée dans cette lecture qui m'a procuré beaucoup d'émotions et qu...

Chocolate Box Girls - Cherry Crush (2011) by Cathy Cassidy

Summers Dream (2012)

I ws very surprised in a good way reading this book I had always pictured Summer as being very confident in herself when inb this book it is pretty much the opposite it circled around anorexia after her friend is told she has the wrong body shape for a ballerina and confides in Summer it was a re...

Summers Dream (2012) by Cathy Cassidy

Coeur mandarine (2000)

Le tome 3 est centré sur Summer, la jumelle de Skye. Summer qui contrôle tout, passe pour Miss Parfaite auprès de tout le monde et rêve plus que tout de devenir danseuse étoile.Lorsqu'on lui propose de passer une audition pour intégrer une école prestigieuse, Summer se jure de faire tout ce qui e...

Coeur mandarine (2000) by Cathy Cassidy

Angel Cake. Cathy Cassidy (2010)

Mon avis: J'attendais avec une très grande impatience la sortie de ce roman, ayant adoré la saga des filles au chocolat que j'ai lu d'une traite l'été dernier, celui-ci, je l'attendais au tournant et c'est avec une réelle appréhension que j'ai commencé ma lecture et bien je vous avoue que je ne ...

Angel Cake. Cathy Cassidy (2010) by Cathy Cassidy

Aux Délices des anges (2014)

Out of Cathy's books at aren't in a series, this is probably my favourite one. I love how she tells Anya's story from her home in Krakow to Liverpool. She doesn't like it at first and finds it hard to communicate but then Dan comes along and everything changes.I guess another thing that makes me ...

Aux Délices des anges (2014) by Cathy Cassidy

Cœur Coco (2013)

This is the fourth book in the 'Chocolate Box Girls' series, and it is my favourite one so far! Any reader will be able to relate to at least one character in this book. The whole series focuses on five sisters living in 'Tanglewood' house together. There are a lot of dramas and problems, but the...

Cœur Coco (2013) by Cathy Cassidy

Coco Caramel (2013)

Du coté de l'histoire: Coco est une amoureuse des animaux et lutte déjà pour la sauvegarde des différentes espèces animales. Elle prend des cours de Poney et dans le centre où elle va après l'école, s'y trouve, Coconut, une ponette un peu sauvage, mais Coco y est très attachée à cette ponette et...

Coco Caramel (2013) by Cathy Cassidy

Scarlett (2006)

Hey, can I have your eyes for a second because trust me this is to help you, Scarlett is a realistic book.. because things like this is possible in our daily life , this book is just so good I cant support it enough but i have to tell you that at first I didn't think I'd like this book. I thought...

Scarlett (2006) by Cathy Cassidy

Sundae Girl (2007)

Sundae Girl is about a girl named Jude who comes from a broken home. She lives with her mum, granddad and grandma and sees her dad and his new girlfriend: Victoria, on the weekends. Jude's family are far from different and Jude often finds herself hiding her families true characteristics when she...

Sundae Girl (2007) by Cathy Cassidy

Indigo Blue (2005)

'Indigo Blue' is a story written from the point of view of an eleven year old girl, Indigo. She lives at home with her mum, Anna, her mums boyfriend, Max and her sister Misti. However, after another vicious night, Indigo's mum tells Indigo that her and Misti will be moving out and going elsewhere...

Indigo Blue (2005) by Cathy Cassidy

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to be able to read marshmallow Skye right now
—katie O'Hare

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