This was...interesting. The story is set in the world of gay porn and honestly I thought I'd find it repulsive. But I didn't. While I enjoyed the story and finished with a good feeling, I can say that some of the epilogue had me a bit turned off from the story.While there was a sense of pain invo...
This book was exactly what I was looking for after reading an overly sweet series. The overly sweet, full of fluff novels sometimes leave a bad taste in my mouth (hehe) and unsatisfied. I want characters who are a little broken, perhaps hurting or damaged or at least complex enough that I have so...
I listened to the audio version of this book. I didn't like this one as much as the first book, but I still enjoyed it. This is a "love at first sight" (literally) story of Declan, the local deputy and Lucas. Declan finds Lucas near death as a result of an attack. He is instantly drawn to him...
This was ok. I would have liked more glimpses into the pair as teenagers, and all in one hit. There was one major scene of them as school boys initially, then two (maybe three?) more as flashbacks. I think the tension would have been better if we had seen all that in the beginning.The development...