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Caryl Phillips

Caryl Phillips
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Books by Caryl Phillips


A Distant Shore (2005)

I’ve read a few of his books, and although he’s not the most refined of writers, one thing that Caryl Phillips can do is tell a story. This story is one of two people, both lonely and exist largely outside the mainstream of society. One is a retired teacher and the other an African refugee.Stylis...

A Distant Shore (2005) by Caryl Phillips

Dancing in the Dark (2006)

What a sad, sad book. Melancoly. OH MY! It was a fictionized (is there such a word?) story about one of the very first black performers in the early 1900's. It actually was a two team comedy, singing and dancing act one of which sported black face (if you remember Al Jolson - even tho he was ...

Dancing in the Dark (2006) by Caryl Phillips

The Nature of Blood (1997)

Een kleine geschiedenis van de Joden, zo zou je de verschillende verhalen kunnen interpreteren die zich in The Nature of Blood afspelen. De hoofdlijn van het boek volgt de gedachten en belevingen van het Joodse meisje Eva. Van het huis van de onschuldige jeugd naar het raam van haar onderduikadre...

The Nature of Blood (1997) by Caryl Phillips

Foreigners (2007)

Three historical figures, black or mixed-race, living at very different times in England, are the subject of Caryl Phillips's latest book. Two of them had come at a young age from the West Indies and West Africa respectively, the third was a son of an immigrant father and a white English mother. ...

Foreigners (2007) by Caryl Phillips

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