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Carrie Jones

Carrie Jones
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Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.7

Books by Carrie Jones


After Obsession (2011)

This book was very pell-mell, which is pretty much the only apt way to describe it. It felt like it rushed through things by dragging on with the horror thing, if that makes any sense. I mean it was an intriguing and well-written read, but as far as story-flow I felt like it could have gone a lit...

After Obsession (2011) by Carrie Jones

Tourments (2011)

Fair warning, there might be spoilers ahead. Read on at your own risk. I'm not intentionally trying to bash the authors in any way with this review, so if it comes off that way please forgive me. When this was first coming out it was one of those books that prompted that reaction of OMG I HAVE TO...

Tourments (2011) by Carrie Jones

Girl, Hero (2008)

This is a story about a girl named Lily. She is going through some tough times with her mom's "new boyfriend",who does some weird things, her dad, who wears blue tights in public, her best friend who seems to care about popularity more than being herself, and the play. She finds out that she is t...

Girl, Hero (2008) by Carrie Jones

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