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Carol Ryrie Brink

Carol Ryrie Brink
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Books by Carol Ryrie Brink


Baby Island (1993)

I picked this book up from the Dublin library discard shelf around the time that Harriet was a newborn. Feeling a little overwhelmed by how much attention and care she needed those first couple months, I picked up the book. It had an absurd title and was short enough to finish quickly. From the c...

Baby Island (1993) by Carol Ryrie Brink

Caddie Woodlawn (2006)

Reading this in your forties while you're also reading Lies My Teacher Told Me is very different from reading it when you're ten years old. Although even then, I remember cringing a bit.Because on the one hand, Caddie Woodlawn is all kinds of awesome. She's a redhead roaming wild in the woods of ...

Caddie Woodlawn (2006) by Carol Ryrie Brink

Caddie Woodlawn's Family (1990)

Caddie Woodlawn has the unfortunate distinction of coming across as a Laura Ingalls Wilder wannabe, sort of Laura-without-the-lyricism, but award-winning regardless. The books, written by Woodlawn's granddaughter, are okay and fill a readalike need...but I can't believe even in the 40s someone t...

Caddie Woodlawn's Family (1990) by Carol Ryrie Brink

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