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Books by Ca$h


Trust No Bitch (2013)

Sometimes the cards are dealt before a person is ever conceived. Such was the case with Kiam, a young man who grew up in the gritty streets of Cleveland. Even at a young age, he was a hard cat who took no prisoners. He was all about that life and not afraid to do what it took to maintain his stat...

Trust No Bitch (2013) by Ca$h

Trust No Man 2 (2009)

Youngblood’s story continues as he is discharged from the hospital in bad shape from a random beat down. But this is the least of his worries as he comes home to find the unthinkable has happened. Angry, bitter and set on revenge, he is determined to find out who is at the heart of these horrible...

Trust No Man 2 (2009) by Ca$h

Trust No Bitch 3: Deadly Alliance (2014)

Kiam is back and he is on the warpath to avenge the deaths of his beloved and their child. Holding a city under siege, anyone caught breathing wrong could be gunned down. As deceptions continue to rise and internal soldier continue to fall, it’s just a matter of time before it all comes crumbli...

Trust No Bitch 3: Deadly Alliance (2014) by Ca$h

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