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Brenda Jagger

Brenda Jagger
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Books by Brenda Jagger


A Song Twice Over (1987)

My favorite of Brenda Jagger's excellent novels of Victorian England. The story follows several characters over some years as their lives weave together: Cara, an Irish sewing girl; Gemma, a millowner's indulged daughter; and Daniel, an Irish idealist and sometime revolutionary. Daniel is a bi...

A Song Twice Over (1987) by Brenda Jagger

A Winter's Child (1986)

What a wonderful book.I first read this book many, many years ago and it has always lingered. It is at its most simple a very beautiful story of love and at its most complex, a powerful story of the loss and sorrow of the First World War, a commentary on the fast changing social, family and econo...

A Winter's Child (1986) by Brenda Jagger

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