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B.M. Bower

B.M. Bower
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Books by B.M. Bower


Jean of the Lazy A (2004)

This was B. M. Bower’s 15th novel, and like her The Phantom Herd a year later, it draws on her knowledge of the movie business. Sixteen-year-old Jean Douglas, the title character, is a no-nonsense daughter of a Montana rancher, Aleck Douglas, who in the opening chapters is wrongly found guilty of...

Jean of the Lazy A (2004) by B.M. Bower

Chip of the Flying U (1995)

Publicado en rancho de la U alada de B.M. Bower. Costumbrismo inglés en el oesteEngaña bastante el título de esta novela de la escritora norteamericana B.M. Bower (1871-1940), y lo hace porque El rancho de la U alada no referencia solamente a una novela ...

Chip of the Flying U (1995) by B.M. Bower

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